The Person Driven Services and Supports Project at the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University announces the release of,“Report: Status of Participant-Directed Supports (PDS) in Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).”  The report provides a basic explanation of the PDS options available to people who access services through the Office of Developmental Programs and an analysis of PDS utilization data. The intent of this report is to inform policymakers, providers, family members and people with disabilities about the status of person-driven services and supports in the Office of Developmental Programs so that gaps and barriers to person-driven approaches can be addressed.  The report may be downloaded below in either a PDF or Microsoft Word file:

Status of Participant-Directed Supports (PDS) in Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) (PDF file)

Status of Participant-Directed Supports (PDS) in Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) (MS Word file)

For more about person-driven services and supports in Pennsylvania, please visit the PDSS Project website or contact Kristin Ahrens at

The Person Driven Services and Supports Project is funded by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.